Thursday, October 30, 2014

Progress Report- 9/25

We did not have a progress report for this week because at the time we did not have any progress. We had no progress because we were just starting off and we did not know we needed to have a progress report that reported no progress. The progress and the work did not really start until the week that followed.

10/29/14 - Week 5

This is a very sad progress report. During some research, we fell upon a government run project that does exactly what we want to do with out database. It is called Health IT and it works with a program that is called Blue Button. If the patient signs up with them, then they store all of your medical records and other information. You can access you medical records at any time and they send it to any doctor or hospital that you want them to. Multiple apps have also been created to work with Blue Button and you can now do all of these functions via one of these apps. So our whole original project has been scraped. It has already been done. So we have to begin from scratch again. Sebastian and I went back to the power point that had some topics there but we did not really find anything that caught our attention. The only one that did was the subway app one. We like the idea behind it and we are maybe considering it. We are still brainstorming. There are a lot of topics to choose from, so we are bound to find something that we can do that will help and contribute to society. Stay tuned for next week's progress report for our new project.

Friday, October 24, 2014

10/23/14 - Week 4

Progress: We are starting to clear up the situation with patient rights. We began to investigate and found something called the HIPAA. HIPAA stands for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. This act came out in 1996 and clears up most things about patients rights when it comes down to their medical records. According to this act, the patient has complete control over their medical records along with people and organizations that they authorize. No one is allowed to get that information unless the patient authorizes it. Institutions and doctors are obligated to give you your medical records upon request. The only thing that a patient cannot see and access are the psychotherapy notes that a mental health professional takes. These notes are kept separate from the patient's general medical records. This is great because this  means that as long as the patient authorizes it, we can have access to their medical records and create electric copies that make them easier to view and access.
Here are some links that explain a little more:

Problems: Now that we know that we potentially have a huge amount of data and even a whole brand new field, the problem we have is getting a better idea of how to implement this data. Once we can get something more solid we can even look into creating a brand new business model that we can possibly patent.

Plan: We have to do more research into how to create a brand new business model and find some old ones for reference. Along with that, we have to conceptualize more concretely what exactly we want to do with the database once we have created it.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Week 3 - 10/16/14

Progress: During this week we have found out that our abstract idea for the use of the database cannot be patented. The idea that we want to implement this database for the use of doctors and patients itself cannot be patented. The only things that are patentable is a new computer software or if we come up with a new business method. Since databases have already been invented we cannot patent that and everything else that we want to do is just ideas that are going to be implemented into the databases. Those ideas themselves are too abstract and are not eligible for patents. The only thing that we may be able to patent is if we have a brand new business model but I do not believe we do. This decision came up during the Supreme Court Case Alice vs. CSL Bank. So since we cannot get a patent or get in trouble for using someone else's ideas, we are dropping patent search and continue working on the database itself.
Here are the links that talk about the Supreme Court Case and the decision:

Problems: The problem that we were facing with the patents dropped because since abstract ideas like ours cannot be patented then therefore we cannot get in trouble for using someone else's patented idea because it doesn't exist. This takes off a weight on our shoulders because we don't have to worry about that anymore. The last thing that we have to figure out is patient laws, but as of now from what we know we're not violating any rights or laws.

Plan: Now that we have the patent search and all of that out of the way, we can now put all of our focus into building the database itself. I have started to look at another string of video tutorials. The two that I am finishing to watch and learn are about creating customer tables. These tables are the platforms where we are going to put in the actual data and it's a complex part. Therefore I want to watch a few videos on this same topic to get a good grasp on it.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Week 2 - 10/9/14

Progress: We have watched more and more tutorials and we are getting more comfortable with the tools that Microsoft Access has. Esteban has also gotten a practice database that can be edited. This has helped out a lot because we now know the capabilities that access has and what exactly we can do with a database. The practice database is hopefully going to help us speed up the progress.

Problems: The problem that we have now is trying to find any patient laws that we are interfering with. Their are many patient bills and laws out there and we might violate one if we are not careful. Besides that we also have to get an appointment with a doctor or insurance company to talk about our product. Getting that interview is a problem but the biggest one we have now is making sure that we're not risking our product by violating any patient rights.

Plan: To overcome the problem that we have we need to pressure the doctors office more so that we can talk to a doctor and do the same with an insurance company. Primarily we have to do more research into patient laws and make sure that we are in the clear with what we want to do with the database. In the next week, Esteban is going to try and familiarize himself with the practice database more, along with contacting different doctors office. Sebastian is going to do more research into patient laws and rights to make sure that we are okay.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Week 1 - 10/2/14

Progress: So far we have acquired the Microsoft Access program and we have begun to play around with it. Trying to familiarize ourselves with it and seeing how to use it. We have also begun to watch some tutorials and follow some instructions on how to begin to plan and make a database.

Problem: The problem that we have had so far is getting a handle on the basics of access and creating a database. Since we have no prior knowledge of any of this, its hard to begin to grasp the simple tasks that one must do. The more tutorials that we watch, the more that we learn but its hard to implement. We also need to keep in mind the type of database that we need to build and the functions that it will have. We also still need to set up an appointment with some doctors to survey them about our product but finding time is becoming an issue.

Plan: To overcome these problems we just need to put in more time to learning. We knew going into it that learning was going to be hard because I've heard that making a complex database was very difficult especially for beginners. So we just need to explore more tutorials and start to try and implement what we learn into a database. I think we can also get our hands on a practice database that we can edit and experiment on so we can understand more fully the capabilities that access has to offer. In the next week, Esteban is going to work more on tutorials and creating a database along with trying to get a practice database to experiment on. Sebastian is working more on the planning and the organization of what we are going to do along with helping out with tutorials.