Thursday, October 2, 2014

Week 1 - 10/2/14

Progress: So far we have acquired the Microsoft Access program and we have begun to play around with it. Trying to familiarize ourselves with it and seeing how to use it. We have also begun to watch some tutorials and follow some instructions on how to begin to plan and make a database.

Problem: The problem that we have had so far is getting a handle on the basics of access and creating a database. Since we have no prior knowledge of any of this, its hard to begin to grasp the simple tasks that one must do. The more tutorials that we watch, the more that we learn but its hard to implement. We also need to keep in mind the type of database that we need to build and the functions that it will have. We also still need to set up an appointment with some doctors to survey them about our product but finding time is becoming an issue.

Plan: To overcome these problems we just need to put in more time to learning. We knew going into it that learning was going to be hard because I've heard that making a complex database was very difficult especially for beginners. So we just need to explore more tutorials and start to try and implement what we learn into a database. I think we can also get our hands on a practice database that we can edit and experiment on so we can understand more fully the capabilities that access has to offer. In the next week, Esteban is going to work more on tutorials and creating a database along with trying to get a practice database to experiment on. Sebastian is working more on the planning and the organization of what we are going to do along with helping out with tutorials.

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