Friday, October 17, 2014

Week 3 - 10/16/14

Progress: During this week we have found out that our abstract idea for the use of the database cannot be patented. The idea that we want to implement this database for the use of doctors and patients itself cannot be patented. The only things that are patentable is a new computer software or if we come up with a new business method. Since databases have already been invented we cannot patent that and everything else that we want to do is just ideas that are going to be implemented into the databases. Those ideas themselves are too abstract and are not eligible for patents. The only thing that we may be able to patent is if we have a brand new business model but I do not believe we do. This decision came up during the Supreme Court Case Alice vs. CSL Bank. So since we cannot get a patent or get in trouble for using someone else's ideas, we are dropping patent search and continue working on the database itself.
Here are the links that talk about the Supreme Court Case and the decision:

Problems: The problem that we were facing with the patents dropped because since abstract ideas like ours cannot be patented then therefore we cannot get in trouble for using someone else's patented idea because it doesn't exist. This takes off a weight on our shoulders because we don't have to worry about that anymore. The last thing that we have to figure out is patient laws, but as of now from what we know we're not violating any rights or laws.

Plan: Now that we have the patent search and all of that out of the way, we can now put all of our focus into building the database itself. I have started to look at another string of video tutorials. The two that I am finishing to watch and learn are about creating customer tables. These tables are the platforms where we are going to put in the actual data and it's a complex part. Therefore I want to watch a few videos on this same topic to get a good grasp on it.

1 comment:

  1. 1) Good progress to identify the patent laws related to what can or cannot be patented.
    2) Have you clarify the ownership of patients' medical information? Are they belongs to medical institutions? Or Patients? Or patients have certain right to access them? Can patients carry those information with them in anyway? Is any forum you can ask those questions?
    3) Need to accelerate the speed of learning database.
